Free Enterprise Challenge Open to All UK Secondary Schools

Take part in the National Enterprise Challenge during Global Entrepreneurship Week - 14th - 18th November

GEW 2016The team behind the UK's largest schools enterprise competition (The Ryman National Enterprise Challenge) are delighted to be announced as an official partner for this year's Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) campaign.

As part of the partnership, they will be running a FREE enterprise competition open to schools during the week, which this year for schools is Monday 14th - Friday 18th November.

The challenge will be a real-life apprentice style task set by one of the UK's most recognisable companies. Groups of students will be able to take part in the challenge as part of a lesson or during their own time.

The challenge will be based on the students developing an advert for a major UK company and will require the students to research the market and consider who they will target along with embracing their creative and presentation skills.

The challenge can be run individually or in groups of no more than 6 students, but how they go about the challenge and the time they invest in the competition is left down to you although a minimum of 2 hours to work on the concept is recommended. There is no limit on the number of teams one school can enter, however students must get permission from the school and a teacher will be required to fill in their details on the registration form.

The challenge which is open to all UK secondary school students will be released at 08.00 on Monday 14th with students having until Friday 18th at 17.00 to upload their entries.

Five shortlisted groups will be invited to attend the Ryman National Enterprise Challenge finals event (summer 2017) as special guests where the winners will be announced.

To pre-register you interest please email

You can also keep up to date by following events on social media @_tnec or Facebook.

GEW 2016 Banner

Written by Teaching Resources Support on November 10, 2016 14:28

Interested in student enterprise projects?

Join Achievers International and run an enterprise project with a school in another country

Achievers International
Achievers International is an online enterprise project for students, enabling them to take part in and understand international trading.

A group of students and their teacher form a company, and import and export goods with a partner school overseas.

Your school is linked with an overseas school; the two schools then form a company and work together, trading actual products with each other. In the past, schools from all over the world have traded jewellery, chocolates, football jerseys and many other things with their partner schools through Achievers International. The project gives students a unique insight into how businesses are formed and managed, whilst also increasing their awareness and understanding of other cultures.

The programme is aimed at students aged 12 to 19 and usually runs for a year (though timing can be flexible). All the work carried out would provide excellent evidence for International School Award accreditation with the British Council.

If you already have an existing partnership you would be eligible to apply together or, if not, Achievers International can help to find you a partner.

If you are interested and can commit to the project, please email or call 0207 400 8800

Achievers International

Written by Teaching Resources Support on September 23, 2015 11:14

How can Apprenticeship Week change our WRL and Enterprise teaching?

The week from 3rd – 7th March sees the seventh annual National Apprenticeship Week taking place, which celebrates how apprenticeships can change the lives of young people positively, particularly those that may not be academically orientated and, at the same time, benefit businesses and the economy.

National Apprenticeship week focuses on four themes, which are the main motivators for taking up Apprenticeships and defines a new era for them. For employers, they are:

• Quality – Apprenticeships are of a high standard and quality assured
• Growth – Apprenticeships create sustainable growth
• Pride – Where Apprenticeships engage in national awards and competitions they reward success
• Value – New funding and financial incentives are available for those organisations who take on apprentices

For young people, they are:

• Quality – Apprenticeships lead to excellent careers that have real progression pathways.
• Growth – Apprenticeships offer genuine personal development with over 250 skills and industries to choose from.
• Pride – Where Apprenticeships engage in national awards and competitions apprentices are recognised and rewarded for their success.
• Value – Apprentices get paid whilst attaining nationally recognised qualifications and work experience.

To assist teachers in drawing their students’ attention to National Apprenticeship Week and to apprenticeships in general, Teaching Resources UK have a number of lesson and assembly resources that teachers can use. These include:

• Work-related learning- these are a large collection of key stage 3 and 4 lesson resources highlighting a myriad of different aspects of the working and the workplace including titles such as:

o KS4 Behaviour in the workplace
o KS3 Work and wages
o KS4 How businesses work

• Enterprise - these are another large range of excellent lesson and assembly plans focusing on the concepts of success and failure of entrepreneurial ides. Titles include:

o KS3 What is enterprise?
o KS3 Economic ideas
o KS4 Financial risks in business

All these resources can assist educators in giving students a better idea of different aspects of the world of work and with the added focus of National Apprenticeship Week they will prove helpful and equip students with the information that will allow them to consider what areas of industry or business that they may wish to develop their careers in and what pathways they may wish to follow into those respective careers.

Written by Teaching Resources Support on February 25, 2014 16:53

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