Lack of training leaves teachers unable to deal with peer-on-peer sexual abuse.

Teachers 'struggle to deal with classroom sexual abuse'

SA Training BlogAccording to research carried out by BBC Radio 4 and the NASUWT, teachers say they do not feel equipped to deal with peer-on-peer sexual abuse because they have had no training.

This is a problem we have been tracking for a while, which is why our sister site TrainingSchoolz recently worked with specialists at Chameleon PDE to launch a series of related online training assignments for use in schools.

The training is specifically designed to help schools and teachers deal with this and the wider issues of sexual abuse, harassment, and misogyny.

It provides staff with time for reflection about how their school's safeguarding policy and procedures include sexual abuse, harassment and misogyny, and how these address the issues raised by the students who reported to the ‘Everyone’s Invited’ website in Spring 2021.

This training is structured into five assignments, each of which are issued separately, so schools can be flexible in how they deliver them to staff.

Assignment 1: Introduction: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment
Assignment 2: Milly case study: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment
Assignment 3: Kyle case study: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment
Assignment 4: Curriculum: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment
Assignment 5: Further advice: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment

About TrainingSchoolz
TrainingSchoolz provides an online dashboard for schools and MATs to monitor and evidence statutory training, policy compliance and vital communications.

The included training & policy library provides an extensive range of statutory training assignments, covering Safeguarding, E-safety, Keeping Children Safe In Education (KCSIE), Mental Health & Wellbeing and much more.

All of the assignments provided in the library are fully customisable to the school’s specific needs. In addition, schools can upload / create their own content to cover a diverse range of topics, such as Curriculum Development, Staff Induction, Staff Handbook & Risk Assessment etc.

For further details and a free trial, visit TrainingSchoolz

Written by Teaching Resources Support on May 28, 2021 08:13

Subsidised memberships now available to Safeguarding Essentials

SGE Square IconsSince 2013, Kodo Education have been supporting schools across the UK and beyond to deliver consistent, outstanding practice in online safety. Recently, we have added additional resources to our service to address wider safeguarding requirements.

To date, our online training has been completed over 130,000 times and over 100,000 downloadable resources have been accessed by our members.

However, we recognise that some of the schools who need the greatest support are those with the least resource, particularly financially, to overcome their challenges.

That’s why we have teamed up with our partners at Friendly WiFi to offer subsidised Safeguarding Essentials membership to those most in need - up to 100% discounts are available to qualifying schools.

Discover your discount now! Click here

How do schools qualify for subsidised membership?
Our subsidised memberships are allocated based on current Ofsted rating or school status.

What does membership include?
Membership to Safeguarding Essentials provides your school with a suite of resources to support your safeguarding provision, including teaching materials, guidance for colleagues, advice for parents, policy templates and online training courses for staff. A full list of downloadable resources can be found here

In addition, our supporters at Friendly WiFi are pleased to be offering their certification at exclusive rates, with up to 100% discount to qualifying schools.

What is Friendly WiFi?

Friendly WiFi is the world’s first safe certification standard for WiFi that shows users that they are being protected online from exposure to child sex abuse images and inappropriate adult content. The scheme was initiated by UK government and industry in a move to increase online safety measures for WiFi services, especially where children and young adults can be present.

For schools it is essential to have some form of safeguarding for their students and visitors when they access the WiFi available and by evidencing that their WiFi includes the correct filters, schools can become Friendly WiFi certified. Friendly WiFi status shows they are protected and that the school is taking responsibility for the online safety and health of their students whilst providing a safe browsing environment for all users.

To find out more, download a Friendly WiFi leaflet here

To find out if your school qualifies for discount, click here

Written by Teaching Resources Support on July 17, 2018 13:57

Be part of the anti-bullying campaigns taking place next week

Next week sees both Stand Up To Bullying and Stop Cyberbullying Day address the issue of bullying

In figures released by charity Ditch the Label in their latest bullying survey, 1-in-2 young people have experienced bullying, with 1-in-10 having been bullied within the past week. In addition, their research revealed that young people feel that social networks are not currently doing enough about online bullying, with many feeling unsafe online.

Empowering pupils to take the lead on tackling bullying can help in schools, and participating in the forthcoming anti-bullying campaigns taking place next week can help enforce the message.

Stand Up To Bullying Day 2018Stand up to Bullying Day - June 13th 2018
Stand Up To Bullying Day was started in 2016 by The Diana Award with HRH The Duke of Cambridge and aims to raise public awareness about bullying and its long term effect, create understanding about our collective role in tackling bullying and to empower the public with the tools to stand up to bullying; wherever they are.

Whether you're looking to support on social media, run a session in your school or review your anti-bullying policy there's plenty to get you going. Schools can download a resource pack with ideas for activities and fundraising events to support anti-bullying and the Stand Up To Bullying campaign. There is also a Thunderclap where schools can show their support.

Stop Cyberbullying Day 2018Stop Cyberbullying Day - June 15th 2018
Stop Cyberbullying Day was founded by The Cybersmile Foundation on June 17th 2012, to promote online positivity and good digital citizenship.

Since then, every year on the third Friday in June, Stop Cyberbullying Day has become a growing force of positivity.

Stop Cyberbullying Day encourages people around the world to show their commitment toward a truly inclusive and diverse online environment for all – without fear of personal threats, harassment or abuse.

To get involved you can use the hashtag #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY on the day with your content (images, videos, articles) to let people know you are participating on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube - supporting a brighter, kinder internet. Schools can also sign up to pledge their support via the Thunderclap campaign leading up to the day.

Our sister site, Safeguarding Essentials (incorporating E-safety Support, offers resources to tackle bullying and cyber bullying. Join the FREE Membership service for the bullying assembly resource. E-safety Support members can also download cyber bullying specific resources and distribute Internet safety training. Safeguarding Essentials members have access to the full suite of cyber bullying and bullying resources including policies, teaching resources and staff training. Find out more.

Written by Teaching Resources Support on June 06, 2018 12:51

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