Interested in student enterprise projects?

Join Achievers International and run an enterprise project with a school in another country

Achievers International
Achievers International is an online enterprise project for students, enabling them to take part in and understand international trading.

A group of students and their teacher form a company, and import and export goods with a partner school overseas.

Your school is linked with an overseas school; the two schools then form a company and work together, trading actual products with each other. In the past, schools from all over the world have traded jewellery, chocolates, football jerseys and many other things with their partner schools through Achievers International. The project gives students a unique insight into how businesses are formed and managed, whilst also increasing their awareness and understanding of other cultures.

The programme is aimed at students aged 12 to 19 and usually runs for a year (though timing can be flexible). All the work carried out would provide excellent evidence for International School Award accreditation with the British Council.

If you already have an existing partnership you would be eligible to apply together or, if not, Achievers International can help to find you a partner.

If you are interested and can commit to the project, please email or call 0207 400 8800

Achievers International

Written by Teaching Resources Support on September 23, 2015 11:14


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