Jigsaw approach

The class is split into groups of four students. These are called home groups. Each student in the home group is given a research or ‘find out’ brief. The classroom is resourced with a variety of resources into a number of task areas.

Students visit the relevant task areas for a specific time and then must report back to the home group where a presentation is prepared. When each member of the group has reported back the jigsaw is complete. Students then communicate what they have learnt about their research to the rest of the class in sequence.

Written by Teaching Resources Support on May 27, 2014 12:18

Role play

The use of freeze frame role play has been employed in the resources to help introduce problem situations dramatically. It provides an opportunity for students to assume roles of others and thus appreciate another point of view.

If employed correctly this technique allows for exploration of solutions as well as providing an opportunity to practice skills. Staff must define the problem situation and roles clearly through the use of very clear instructions.

Written by Teaching Resources Support on May 27, 2014 12:19

Group discussions

These can be time consuming activities but they do enable ideas and experiences from the class to be pooled together for everybody’s benefit.

Staff need to train the groups in discussion method - gradually building up expertise e.g. by providing prompting questions, giving guidance about procedure, rotating responsibilities for chairing, providing opportunities for recording and reporting back.

They are best used after a presentation, video or experience that needs to be examined. The effective discussion is one which allows for full participation in an active process.

Staff need to ensure careful planning to guide discussion and may require the teacher to interject with appropriate questions.

Written by Teaching Resources Support on May 27, 2014 12:20

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