KS4 - Applying for Jobs - 4 lessons

Helpful and informative sections for applying for jobs, from CV writing to the actual interview.

These lessons comprise individual student activities, group work, role play and class discussion.

By the end of this modules, students will be better informed and prepared for future job applications.

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Tru ks3 wrl applying for jobs l2 small

Using a template letter and checklist, students write a covering letter for the job of their dreams.

Contains 1 Document
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Tru ks3 wrl applying for jobs l4 small

Using role play and checklists students understand the importance of good interview techniques and how they can make the most of their experience.

Contains 1 Document
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Tru ks3 wrl applying for jobs l1 small

Students create a list of qualities they think employers will be looking for. Includes video clips of real employers.

Contains 3 Document
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Tru ks3 wrl applying for jobs l3 small

It's surprising what key stage 4 students can include in their CVs when they think about it. This lesson does just that!

Contains 1 Document

More About the Applying For Jobs Activities for WRL

In the near future, your students will be facing the prospect of applying for jobs (and indeed applying for college or university placements). This series of activities helps to prepare them for what is ahead.

Lesson 1 – Job Applications

In this session, students will be asked to think about what employers are looking for from job applicants. Pupils must work in groups to complete the exercise.

Lesson 2 – Writing a Cover Letter

This lesson provides a template for letter writing – pupils must first consider a dream job and then compose a letter to apply for it.

Lesson 3 – Writing a CV

Using a student worksheet, pupils must compile specified details about themselves to form the basis of a CV. They also learn to adapt their own CV for different jobs and roles.

Lesson 4 – Interview Techniques

Using an interview checklist, students work in groups to role play an interview situation. Students act an interviewers, interviewees and assessors to review their activities. Different scenarios are applied to the situation for students to consider.

Vocational Qualifications

These applying for jobs lessons can be used to support learning outcomes for Preparation for Working Life - Applying for Jobs and Courses from AQA. These lessons are also suitable for use with Employability - Applying for a Job from ASDAN; Preparing for Employment, Key Skills and Workplace Core Skills - Making Job Applications from City & Guilds; Skills Towards Enabling Progression "Step Up" - Career Preparation from NOCN; Employability Skills - Interviews, Presenting Personal Information, Work Placements and Preparation for Employment from OCR.