There are 3 Documents available to download for
Health and Safety Lesson Plan 3 - Planning an Event

Students develop their own rock concert project including a risk assessment and method statement.
Tru ks3 wrl health and safety l3 small
  • TRS WRL Safety Lesson 3 PDF Downloads = 21
  • TRS WRL Safety Lesson 3 PPT Downloads = 25
  • TRS WRL Safety Lesson 3 SIte Map Downloads = 22

Connect the Learning

This is the third in a module of four lessons about health and safety.

The Big Picture

In this session students will understand what the key health and safety issues are at a large event.

The Learning Outcomes

Learn about the way business enterprises operate, working conditions and rights and responsibilities in the workplace. Engage with ideas, challenges and applications from the business world.


Show the students the TRU PowerPoint presentation Health and safety event.

Explain that in today’s lesson they will learn about risk assessment and method statements in the context of a rock concert or festival.


Working in groups, students should draw a rectangle onto a large piece of paper, following the template on the TRU PowerPoint presentation Health and safety sitemap. Using this as the site map and working on the theory that the site can hold up to 5000 people, the students should then start to plan out the site map and their event using the notes on slides 3 and 4 of the PowerPoint presentation. They may wish to do this using Post-It notes to enable them to move things around on the site map.