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Prejudice Lesson Plan 1 - What is Prejudice?

Students are introduced to the concept of prejudice and define it.
Tru psheks3 prejudice l1 small

Connect the Learning

Teacher Input - “Today we are starting a module of 4 lessons on the topic of Prejudice.”

The Big Picture

Teacher input - Ask the group to think of any previous sessions they may have done in Citizenship or PSHE that discussed prejudice or discrimination. What about in English?

Have any of the texts covered in English been about prejudice? Ask them what they think the word “prejudice” means. Can they think of any examples of prejudice? At the end of today’s lesson they will be able to define the word prejudice accurately.

The curriculum aims for the PSHE: Personal Wellbeing programme of study include young people becoming “responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.” The requirement is for the issues of diversity and prejudice to be tackled at KS3.

Learning Outcomes

From the key stage 3 PSHE: Personal Wellbeing programme of study;

1.5 Diversity

b. Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives.


Activity 1: What is Prejudice?

Display the PowerPoint presentation slide 1, which includes a dictionary definition of prejudice. Run through the definition with them, simplify if required and come to a definition that you can write on the board that they all understand. Ask them to write the definition into their books.