There are 3 Documents available to download for
Implementation of New Business Ideas Lesson Plan 3 - Business Planning

By the end of this session, students will appreciate the need to have a clear and accurate business plan.
Tru ks3 enterprise implementation l3 small

Connect the Learning

Recap on the previous lesson which looked at how motivated students would have to be to run their own business.

The Big Picture

This lesson plan is one of a series of six enterprise resources that looks at business plans and how to create them.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, students will understand what makes a good business plan.


Working in groups - Ask the students what they think a business plan is. Display Business plan.ppt. Give each team of students their own copy of the “Business Plan” document.

Each team has to come up with a business idea. This could be one they have developed previously or a new idea.


Using the “Business Plan” document, each team starts to complete the relevant pages of their business plan, using research resources where necessary.


Each team feeds back on how far they have got with completing their plan.