There are 2 Documents available to download for
Buddha Day Assembly Plan

This assembly can be used as part of a program on world faiths, or tolerance. Beginning with a brief overview of the origins of Buddhism, the assembly plan then highlights the moral precepts of Buddhism, and encourages students to consider how these could benefit their lives. The assembly ends on the thought provoking idea that “with our thoughts, we make the world.”
Buddha day

Buddha Day Assembly

The cross curricular link of world faiths is used in this assembly plan for Buddha Day. Some topics within the subjects of PSHE, Citizenship and Religious Studies are all relatable. The assembly resource contains an assembly script and a PowerPoint presentation that helps visualise certain aspects of the assembly and emphasise important points.

The assembly looks at the history of Buddhism and where it began, pre-dating the most recognised religion to the UK (and probably Europe), Christianity. It looks at how diversely and spread out the religion is practiced, resulting in different names for this sacred day. Key elements of the Buddhist faith are explained to the students, linking them to the Ten Commandments, and the PowerPoint provides photos to help visual learners.

The Buddha Day assembly closes with some thoughtful quotes from Buddhism, and the positive nature of these are sure to give the students a lift for the rest of the day, as well as being informed about one of the big religions in the world community.