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How Businesses Work Lesson Plan 4 - Teamwork

Help students understand the importance of being able to work effectively as part of a team, and the nature of effective teamworking.
Tru ks3 wrl how businesses work l4 small

Connect the Learning

The final lesson of four about how businesses work.

The Big Picture

In this lesson students will understand about the importance of teamwork.

The Learning Outcomes

To understand the importance of being able to work effectively as part of a team, and the nature of effective teamworking. This lesson is also relevant for Enterprise and PSHE.

Tip: To avoid classroom anarchy in this lesson set some strict rules for the work – no breaking out of the groups, everyone must be able to show evidence of their contribution etc. You will need to support each group in their research process to keep them on task.


Explain to the students that today’s lesson will give them the opportunity to be the teachers. The purpose of the lesson is to understand how to work effectively as part of a team.

This session will help students understand the dynamic of working in a team. It gives them the opportunity to teach the teacher and the other students in the class, and gives them responsibility for leading a lesson themselves. This is obviously important for when they leave school and enter the world of work. Begin by giving each student one of 6 colours, animal types, or football team names (avoid numbers as this has order of importance implications). Then split the class into 6 groups accordingly, (so all the reds are in one group, all the greens in another).

Give each team physical space in the room.