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Depression Lesson Plan 3 - Supportive Behaviour

Now that students can recognise depression, this lesson will look at developing their skills to empathise and support others. In this lesson, students will look at the types of support you should and should not consider offering to young people who appear to be depressed.
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Depression - Supportive Behaviour

These teaching resources are the third in a series of four focusing on the subject of depression. This lesson plan looks more closely at supportive behaviour for those suffering from depression, and makes use of individual and group work to encourage students to consider how they could help someone in need. By looking at supportive and non-supportive statements in one exercise, students are able to identify what approach to take with people who may have depression, as well as looking at the positive and negative aspects that may arise from supporting depression.

The main focus of the lesson is a snowball activity, by which different answers are achieved by the students starting out in pairs and moving onto bigger groups, culminating in a full-class discussion on what the best five answers are. The students finish the PSHE lesson plan by completing a literacy grid, incorporating different terms they have learnt in the first three lessons of this topic.

With a comprehensive plan that takes the lesson step by step, and including worksheets for students to work and learn from, these teaching resources on depression provide everything a teacher needs to deliver a confident, engaging lesson. For more PSHE lesson plans on depression, amongst other topics, visit our PSHE lesson plans