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Alcohol Lesson Plan 1 - Why Study Alcohol?

This lesson plan gives teachers the tool to deliver an extensive lesson on why learning about alcohol is important and covers the effects to health as well as examining alcohol in lifestyle choices. By downloading this lesson plan you can have a flexible lesson schedule to work through this difficult topic area – ensuring that you can inspire your students to effective learning with ease.
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About the Why Study Alcohol? Lesson Plan

The Why Study Alcohol? lesson plan covers an important social topic that teaches students about the effects on health as well as the economic costs on society of excessive drinking. The plan looks at engaging students by covering a number of areas. It initially starts by looking at what students know about alcohol and specifically at how alcoholic brands are remembered by students – highlighting the drinks that are made to appeal to people their age. It then goes on to look at how alcohol is measured and what this means for certain laws such as the drink-driving law. The main bulk of the lesson focuses on introducing students to the health triangle and getting students to understand about the physical, mental and social aspects of alcohol.


The lesson plan looks at challenging what students think they know about alcohol and then gives them facts to see if what they really think is true. The activities contained within this lesson plan specifically aims to introduce students to the concept of a ‘Health Triangle’ covering physical, mental and social aspects. The lesson also looks at how alcohol is measured and the subject of drink-driving and the law related to this.

Learning Outcomes

The main learning outcomes from this lesson plan include a student’s ability to: • Understand the health triangle concept in relation to alcohol • Have an appreciation of the consequences of alcohol abuse from a physical, mental and social angle By using the Why Study Alcohol? lesson plan you will be able to ensure that your students will be equipped with all the knowledge to help them make informed decisions and have an appreciation for the alcohol topics that will be covered in the coming lessons.