This module contains 4 PSHE lessons on the topic of diversity.
In this series of teaching resources, students look at how diversity has been so influential on our current society and what lives would be like without it.
It is important that students appreciate that, in our communities there are similarities as well as differences between people of different race, religion, culture, ability or disability, gender, age or sexual orientation. It’s these differences that make our society multi-cultural. These teaching resources for PSHE look at how diversity has had an impact on society.
Initially there is a class discussion to establish what students already understand about diversity. The positive and negative impacts on society are then evaluated in a student exercise.
Our community is made up of many different people from different countries, different religions or different ethnic groups. This lesson looks at the history of immigration and emigration to and from the UK.
We may live in a diverse society, but there are many things about us that are the same. Obvious things include gender, height, hair colour etc, but students must think about other, less obvious similarities.
The Britain that we live in today has been influenced by its’ diverse culture, so in the last lesson in this module, student must consider what it would be like without diversity.
These diversity lessons can be used to support learning outcomes for Preparation for Working Life - Relationships from AQA. These lessons are also suitable for use with Key Skills and Work Place Core Skills - Individual Rights and Responsibilities from City & Guilds; Skills Towards Enabling Progression "Step Up" - Rights and Responsibilities, Diversity from NOCN; Citizenship Studies - Identity, Democracy and Justice from OCR.