Young people are increasingly turning to the internet and social media for sources of information about a huge range of topics. However, this can have damaging effects when it is used for information about SRE.
This in-depth series of 4 SRE lessons accepts that students may be finding alternative information about relationships and therefore helps to inform them about how this may be damaging to their own development. Join now to download today.
This lesson continues students explorations of the effects of sexual imagery in the culture around them
This lesson briefly explores the different sources of information available to young people about sex and relationships with a special focus on pornography.
The learning objectives for this lesson show that young people will understand and be able to demonstrate how sex is used to sell products
The final lesson of the series explores how young people may experience or exhibit inappropriate sexual behaviours.
In line with considerable research literature and government findings such as the Bailey Review (2010) we have developed a series of four SRE lessons for key stage 4 to explore and tackle contemporary psychosexual issues facing young people as they negotiate sex, relationships and sexual identities, with specific focus on cultural shifts in technology, media, communication and equalities and diversity.
These lessons have been developed with the help of Dawn Clark, a practicing trainee psychologist, psychotherapist and researcher with special interest in young people, mental health provision in the criminal justice system and sexually risky or harmful behaviours.
Fur further advice on handling SRE in schools, The PSHE Association have a guidance document on 'The role of schools in addressing the impact of pornography and sex in the media' which can be downloaded from their website.