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Uncertainty in the Workplace Lesson Plan 2 - Employment Uncertainty

Roleplay exercise involving students engaging with case studies, dealing with uncertainty and change in the world of work.
Tru ks3 enterprise uncertainty l2 2013 small

Connect the Learning

Recap on the previous lesson which looked at certain and uncertain events.

The Big Picture

This lesson looks at uncertainty within the world of work.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, students will be able to list the main ways companies face changes.


Review the definitions of certainty and uncertainty. Ask two or three students what they have noted in their log of events. Display the scenario from ‘Case study digital photography’ Discuss the reasons why the company will be facing changes in the way it operates.

Distribute the hard copy of the ‘Case study digital photography’ and read over the role play section.

Discuss what they understand about certainty and uncertainty and what type of events they would put under these classifications.

Discuss whether it is possible to influence the outcomes of either type of event.