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Innovation Throughout History Lesson Plan 4 - Design Principles

Students consider form and function as elements of famous designs. Working in groups and brainstorming activities get students engaged.
Tru ks3 enterprise innovation l4 small

Connect the Learning

Recap on the previous lesson which explored the importance of making sure a design or product idea worked.

The Big Picture

This lesson looks more closely at design ideas.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, students will appreciate the importance of developing ideas for products from sound design and production principles.


Display the first slide of the PowerPoint presentation that shows some famous and infamous designs. Discuss the designs and the functions and forms of each of them.


Students split into groups of four or five. Each group is provided with access to, or a print out of ‘Form and function’, paper and drawing equipment. Display the second slide and talk over the principles of the exercise they are about to do. The task is to brainstorm ideas as to what the form and function of the items displayed on the sheet are, and what potential future developments for the item might keep the product developing.