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Innovation Throughout History Lesson Plan 2 - What is Innovation?

An innovative use for a goat is the unlikely starting point for this lesson on innovation. Students are encouraged to come up with their own innovative ideas.
Tru ks3 enterprise innovation l2 small

Connect the Learning

Recap on the previous lesson which looks at what makes a good design.

The Big Picture

This lesson explores what makes a good idea or not.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, students will be able to identify pros and cons when assessing innovative ideas.


Whole class activity: Display Lesson5.ppt. – first slide. This shows the following statement:

A person decides that getting a goat to eat the grass on their lawn is an innovative solution that will save time each week cutting the lawn.

Ask the students’ opinions as to whether it is a good idea or not.

Display the second slide and ask for pros and cons. The learning here is that the ‘cons’ outweigh the ‘pros’, so it is essential to do a realistic assessment of an idea.


Individual activity

Students think about a labour-saving device or system that would help them to keep their room tidy and then record their ideas on ‘Ideas.’