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Changes in the World of Work Lesson Plan 4 - Responding Positively to Change

Identifying positive and negative reactions to change through team exercises.
Tru ks3 enterprise change l4 small

Connect the Learning

Recap on the previous lesson which identified how well students adapted to change.

The Big Picture

This lesson now looks at how students can improve their ability to adapt to change.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, students will be able to identify negative and positive reactions to change.


Display Lesson4_Part 1.ppt – first slide. Ask a student to select the route that they would take– reveal the consequences of their choice. Show students that both choices have the same outcome, so it is more a matter of the way that the situation is handled that is important.

Ask students to give you words that relate to positively handling change – opportunity, improvement, expanding skills/knowledge. List the words. Repeat the exercise but this time list negative words – unprepared, worsening, unknown.

Select eight students and make two teams of four to come to the front of the room. Provide a student from each group with the same statement – from ‘Events.’ Tell one team that they are going to replace the ** in the statement with negative words and the other with positive words.

Display Lesson4_Part 2.ppt first slide and ask the groups in turn to tell you which word to change, edit the displayed statement with their change. Discuss the two different outcomes by asking which the students think applies to them facing the world of work. Ask students to justify their responses.