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Changes in the World of Work Lesson Plan 3 - How Good Are You at Dealing with Change?

Real business scenarios give students the opportunity to assess their own ability to deal with change.
Tru ks3 enterprise change l3 small

Connect the Learning

Recap on the previous lesson which explored how students could plan for change in their lives.

The Big Picture

This lesson looks at whether they are any good at dealing with change.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, students will be able to identify how well they respond to change and uncertainty.


The whole session is to be turned over to a role play scenario that challenges them to consider how change is a natural part of life. Display the Mobile Shop.ppt to provide the structure for the session.


Split class into groups of three.

One student is given the role of running a city centre mobile phone shop where they employ two people (other students) and the shop is very quiet. The three of them have to consider how they will increase business.

After a short period of time, not more than 10 minutes, each group is given a separate (and different) ‘Change card’ element.

They have to reconsider their ideas about how to increase business to take account of the ‘Change card.’ During this time, encourage groups to identify whether the ‘Change card’ could provide other ideas for improving business.