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Critical Consumers Lesson Plan 3 - Advertising and Ethics

Students create their own ad campaign for a product using ASA restrictions on cigarette advertising.
Tru citks3 critical consumers l3 small

Connect the Learning

Refer students to any other lessons they may have done that cover fair-trade products, and consumer choices.

The Big Picture

Students are encouraged to learn about becoming critical consumers as part of the Economic Wellbeing programme of study at key stage 3.

The learning outcomes

Learning objective taken from key stage 3 and 4 programmes of study for Economic Well-being:
1.2 Capability
d. becoming critical consumers of goods and services.
And from the Citizenship programme of study at key stage
3: 3. Range and content
e. actions that individuals can take to influence decisions affecting communities and the environment


Activity 1: Teacher input
Ask the students what they mean when they talk about advertising.
Make sure they have a clear definition agreed before proceeding.
Write the definition on the board.
Ask them to think of different types of media where they may expect to see advertising.