KS3 - Democracy - 4 lessons

4 lessons on the topic of democracy - the history of democracy, alternatives to democracy, and how they can take part.

With the vote only a few years away, it is essential that young people understand that they play an important role in the democratic process.

These citizenship lesson plans include teacher notes, student worksheets and group activities.

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Using an example of the origins of democracy in Ancient Greece, students are introduced to the concept of democracy.

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Tru citks3 democracy and justice l3 2013 small

How does the concept of fairness relate to democracy and lawmaking? Students use controversial case studies to explore this issue.

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Tru citks3 democracy and justice l2 small

What exactly is a "oligarchy"? Is an autocracy a bad thing? This lesson introduces students to alternatives to democratic systems.

Contains 2 Document
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Tru citks3 democracy and justice l4 2013 small

Students look at ways that they can bring about change in a democratic system.

Contains 2 Document

More about the Democracy Activities for Citizenship

In just a few years, your students will be eligible to take part in the government voting process, but what do they understand about democracy? In this series of 4 citizenship lessons, we start with the history of democracy and finish by looking at ways to use the democratic system to bring about change.

Lesson 1 – Understanding Democracy

In this teacher led exercise, we first establish understanding of the word democracy. This is followed by an activity which explores the history of democracy.

Lesson 2 – Alternatives to Democracy

We now take a look at other types of rule including monarchy, autocracy and anarchy amongst others. Students are required to research each type of rule and present their findings to the class.

Lesson 3 – Fairness

In this lesson, students will study the concept of fairness. In a series of group work activities and teacher led discussions, they consider the fairness of outcomes of specified case studies. Could new laws make these issues fairer?

Lesson 4 – How Can I Bring About Change?

Now that we have an understanding of the democratic process, we turn our attention to their own involvement in the UK democracy. Discussions and activities cover how does it work, how old do they need to be to vote etc.

Vocational Qualifications

These democracy lessons can be used to support learning outcomes for Key Skills and Workplace Core Skills - Individual Rights and Responsibilities, Personal Development and Contributing to the Community from City & Guilds. These lessons are also suitable for use with Skills Towards Enabling Progression "Step Up" - Rights and Responsibilities from NOCN; Citizenship Studies - Identity, Democracy and Justice from OCR.