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Options Lesson Plan 3 - Deciding On Options

Choosing the right qualification will mean that students have a better chance of getting on the college course they want or into the career of their choice. It is therefore a huge responsibility to teach this subject area well and that is why these lesson plans have been designed to help you ensure your students choose wisely. By downloading the Deciding On Options lesson plan you can ensure you have all the teaching material so your students are organised, learn more and reach the learning outcomes associated to this topic.
Tru careers year 9 options l3 small

About the Deciding On Options Lesson Plan

This lesson gives teachers the opportunity to familiarise students with the schools option booklet. Students will quickly start to understand that the learning undertaken in the previous two lessons were important as the options booklet brings reality to the situation. This lesson gives teachers the opportunity to discuss each option subject with students as well as letting students know how each subject will be examined and assessed. The majority of the lesson will be teacher-led as each option is discussed with students being encouraged to ask questions. Within this lesson students will learn whether there are any confines of taking different subjects, for example, there may be two subjects in the same area, so students will need to be taught how they can reassess their choices.


The aim of this lesson is to ensure that students are given the option booklet and given the opportunity to consider all the options in greater detail. The lesson also will give students the ability to see whether they can take all of their subject choices or whether they need to rethink their plans.

Learning Outcomes

The main learning outcomes from this lesson plan include a student’s ability to: • Understand the options booklet and choices that are available to them • Weigh up their subject choice and reflect on their own abilities By using the Deciding On Options lesson plan you will be ensuring that you students are able to openly discuss their choices and make informed-decisions to shape their future.