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Action Planning Lesson Plan 4 - Current Planning

Students use a subject review process with teaching staff in order to assess their progression and plan ahead.
Tru careers career action l4 small

Connect the Learning

The subject review activator is a mentoring, peer or self assessment exercise and connects the action planning process with academic progress. You can use as many copies of the sheet as you need per student.

The Big Picture

This is an opportunity for the student to consider their current planning towards a chosen career path and a check on their progress towards this goal. The model provides an opportunity to change practice if necessary to ensure success. This exercise can be done at various times through Years 10 and 11.

It can be carried out with students working on their own, in pairs or in discussion with a mentor or teacher.

Learning Outcomes

To raise awareness of your rate of progress towards possible career paths.

To investigate ways of changing practice to enhance chances of success in KS4 in meeting individual planning targets.


Students are given up to date data on their current rates of progress in all their KS4 subjects. They also read their careers action plans and compare the two.

Teacher sets up discussions in pairs to consider the significance of this data.