When it comes to preparing careers lessons, where do you start? With the selection of key stage 3 and 4 careers teaching resources below you will be spoilt for choice.
Whether it’s for an enrichment day, off-timetable event, through the curriculum or a form time exercise, the worksheets and activities are flexible and varied, so can be selected to meet your needs.
With the ready-to-use lesson plans, you can login, download, print off and use today in all of your KS3 and KS4 Careers classes.
It is crucial for students to fully understanding what options are available to them in Year 9 (Key Stage 3) as it is the chance for them to take control of their education and to decide what they want to learn more about.
These lesson plans for careers at key stage 3 cover vital careers information, from understanding what is expected in employment to how to achieve personal career goals.
These lessons offer a way of helping students understand what is the best way forward in terms of deciding what they want to do when they leave school.
Four activities about personal skills, including functional skills, thinking skills and identifying what skills you have, and which you may need to develop as part of your careers planning.
These activities are useful for pre-work experience or as part of work-related learning or careers programmes of study.
Present information on how to research future career possibilities and how to use different research skills.
Two careers activities designed to help students think about their career choices.
These activities help students to understand the bigger picture regarding the labour market and employment trends.
KS4 teaching resources which find out what is available to students, and the transition to post 16 education.
A series of lessons that will explore what a gap year means, what people can do and whether it would be something that would interest them.
These lessons include topics such as the future of the sector, daily scenarios, and roles in healthcare.
Complete Enrichment Day Programme for key stage 4.
A selection of useful resources including a guide to interviews with students, careers convention materials, students assessment tool and enrichment day resources.
4 lessons introducing the topic of work, wages, the minimum wage, and explores the history of children and work.
In this series of short activities, students take a look at the alternative qualifications and pathways available to them.
Giving students the knowledge and skills to develop their personal well-being and financial capability can happen both inside and outside school. Giving them a broad range of careers education will help to explore the opportunities they have once they leave school. The Department for Education has amended the responsibility for careers advice and guidance, meaning schools will be responsible for securing access to impartial careers guidance for pupils in years 9-11. It is anticipated that this will be extended to cover careers education in years 8-13. Further information about the new National Careers Service will be included here as it becomes available
With careers worksheets and careers teaching resources covering both key stage 3 and key stage 4, there are plenty of lesson plans to choose from. Created by advanced skills teachers (ASTs), the activities are designed so that they can be delivered as part of a structured programme of study, or as discrete modules for use perhaps in a form time or assembly group.
Topics include, career opportunities, research skills, customer service, health & safety, labour market information, society health & development, skills, sport & active leisure, options in year 9, work & wages, professional skills & career planning, financial capability, interviews, transitions, qualifications and gap years. There are also enrichment day or careers convention resources, assembly plans and a careers assessment tool. In this careers section, you will also find teaching resources from the Sector Skills Councils, covering specific careers including case studies.
There are a number of organisations that can help to guide careers teachers. The Association for Careers Education and Guidance is a useful source of information, while Cegnet is the website for professionals working in careers education, information, advice and guidance.
As part of the provision for Economic wellbeing and financial capability, you may also find useful careers teaching resources in the work-related learning and enterprise sections of this website.
These career lessons can be used to support learning outcomes for Personal and Social Development Qualification - Preparation for Work and Employability from ASDAN. These lessons are also suitable for use with Preparation for Working Life with AQA; Skills Towards Enabling Progression "Step Up" - Employability, Economic Well-Being and Financial Capability from NOCN; Employability Skills - Preparation for Employment from OCR.