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Fairtrade Fortnight Assembly Plan

Fairtrade fortnight is an annual event which usually takes place during the last week of February and the first week of March. This assembly gives the background to Fairtrade Fortnight, an event that is celebrated in most schools. This is an ideal brief introduction to the Fortnight, with lots of useful information about how Fairtrade works and how students can get involved.
Tru assembly fairtrade 2012

Fair Trade Fortnight Assembly

The assembly resource includes a teacher script and an accompanying PowerPoint presentation, and can link to work in PSHE, Citizenship and Business Studies topics.

This assembly resource for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 teachers aims to highlight the problems in the world regarding unfair business and trade with underdeveloped countries. The Fairtrade symbol is a label placed on certain products that pay fair prices to the people who work long hours every day to produce everyday ingredients such as cocoa and coffee. The students are taught that although these are everyday products, we take them for granted.

The assembly plan uses a case studies from producers, and exposes the students to the hard labour that they have to endure just to maintain their family and wellbeing. The visual resources work well as they help keep students engaged and encourage reflection on how lucky the students are.

The assembly script opens up the idea that the future of Fairtrade and eradicating poverty is in the hands of the students, as consumers, and challenges them to be the ones to make a difference to the world. The assembly as a whole should make pupils reflect on how lucky they are to be born in a privileged country that has power to change the way the world works, and that they don’t have to be famous or the Prime Minister to instigate that change.

This secondary assembly resource can be used in connection with other topics the students may be studying, within their PSHE and Citizenship schemes of work, so take a look at our other resources and lesson plans within these subjects.