Spring Term Assembly Plans

Welcome to our spring term assembly plans page. Below you will see a list of ks3 and ks4 assembly plans with topics relevant to this term. Each assembly includes a PowerPoint and PDF guidance notes, which tell you what subject it is relevant for, any cross curricular relevance, Every Child Matters context and useful additional resources. Each assembly lasts around 20 minutes, but can be shortened or extended to suit your requirements.

Most assemblies include song or music suggestions, poetry, a thought for the day or famous quotation and video clip links.

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Trs recycling thumb

Ideal for tying into any “green” themes or topics, this assembly plan for KS3 and KS4 works as part of a citizenship scheme of work and is relevant to Every Child Matters.

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Tru assembly bullying thumb

Every school has to deal with bullies. This assembly plan is a useful reminder for students of what bullying is and how it is dealt with.

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Tru assembly lent 2013 small

What might you find tempting? This assembly tackles the issue of temptation and Jesus’ time in the desert.

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Tru bussafety

KS3 and KS4 assembly about Bus Safety. Did you know that one third of child pedestrian casualties aged 12 -15 occur on a journey to or from school?

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Tru assembly smoking

Two assemblies on the topics of No Smoking Day and the Smoking Ban.

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From Shrove Tuesday, through Lent to Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, this assembly helps students understand the context of Easter.

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Tru assembly americanpresidents

Written at the time of the last American election, this assembly can be used for Independence day (4th July) or Thanksgiving (24th November)

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Attendance small

Fed up of reminding your students about the importance of attendance at school? Try this historical approach.

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Tru assembly holocaust day small

This assembly plan is a suitably sombre reminder of why we remember the Holocaust.

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Tru assembly valentinesday small

A fun assembly which gives students a bit of background about St Valentine.

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Ed small

Useful as part of the Healthy schools programme, this assembly plan ties into PSHE and Every Child Matters too.

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Tru assembly schooluniform2

Having problems with school uniform? Remind students why they should be bothered with this assembly.

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Stpat small

St Patrick’s Day is on the 17th of March. Use this assembly to remind students of the significance of the day.

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Tru assembly fairtrade 2012

Fairtrade fortnight is an annual event which usually takes place during the last week of February and the first week of March.

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Mental health small

Understanding that mental health issues are something that affect 1 in 4 adults is important for young people.

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Spring Term Assembly Ideas

Following the Christmas and New Year break in the school year, there are still a great many relevant topics that can be covered in a school assembly. With UK awareness events and annual festivals along with school related themes such as anti-bullying and attendance, these assembly ideas will cover these and many more.

Time Saving Assembly Resources

Every assembly comes with a teacher script and PowerPoint presentation. You will save hours of time as the preparation work has been done for you. You simple need to decide which assembly plan you need, then login and download the teaching ideas and resources.

Here is an example - taken from the Anti-bullying assembly

PowerPoint slide 1: (Display slide on entry to hall) Teacher: “Today’s assembly is going to revisit issues of bullying that you will have covered in previous years.”

PowerPoint slide 2 and 3: Teacher: “However I make no apologies for doing so as bullying is a destructive act that impacts on our community and society as a whole. The need to tackle bullying forms part of the government’s Every Child Matters and the National Healthy Schools Standard.” (Highlight key points from the screen).

Further Assembly Topics

In the Summer term assemblies there are many more assembly plans that are ideal for the last school term and don’t forget to be ready for the new school year with the Autumn term assemblies.