There are 2 Documents available to download for
Respect Assembly

Teach students about the importance of Respect and how it should be used. This assembly is for KS3 and KS4 students and it covers the topic of respect with all its aspects. Students will learn to identify what constitutes as respect, what it looks like and who deserves it. Take some time to look at out other great assemblies for the Autumn term. All are specifically designed for KS3 and KS4 students.
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Respect Assembly Plan

This assembly plan consists of a teacher script, noting responses and actions, and a PowerPoint presentation. It can be incorporated into the PSHE programme of study.

This assembly begins by asking pupils what they think respect is, then they are shown images to identify if respect is being used, with reference to the schools own policies. The assembly then goes onto question who deserves respect and how it should be gained.

Saying yes or no to the respect images isn’t just a simple task, it gets students to think about the reasons why the image deserves respect or not. It also triggers ideas about the different kinds of respect, such as through sporting achievement, business, writing, drama and more.

To conclude, the assembly shows a short clip and recaps on the aims.