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Tolerance Assembly Plan

This assembly plan uses the Olympic Games as a theme or exploring the topic of tolerance. Perfect for the run-up to 2012, this assembly plan goes into the history of the Olympic Games and explains how it is relevant to the topic of tolerance and international relations.
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Tolerance Assembly

This assembly on tolerance is to teach students about diversity and tolerance of different people from around the world, using the Olympic Games to get that message across to them. The assembly resources include a script for teachers and a PowerPoint presentation.

The main focus of this assembly plan is the Olympic Games, and it charts the history of the Games and what they stand for. It looks at the Greek origins of the Games, and the significance of the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, with the standout star that was Jesse Owens, a black American runner. The assembly looks at the Olympic logo and what it stands for, as well as other symbolic logos that the Olympics use.

As well as promoting tolerance of different ethnicities and cultures, the assembly plan also makes sure the students know what things they are not to tolerate, such as bullying and discrimination. The assembly resource closes with a quote from Kofi Annan, one of the United Nations leading figures, about the ideals of the Olympic Games. The students will know that the Olympics is a chance for people all over the world to compete and be as equals, as well as being reflective and considerate for different people from different backgrounds.