Group discussions

These can be time consuming activities but they do enable ideas and experiences from the class to be pooled together for everybody’s benefit.

Staff need to train the groups in discussion method - gradually building up expertise e.g. by providing prompting questions, giving guidance about procedure, rotating responsibilities for chairing, providing opportunities for recording and reporting back.

They are best used after a presentation, video or experience that needs to be examined. The effective discussion is one which allows for full participation in an active process.

Staff need to ensure careful planning to guide discussion and may require the teacher to interject with appropriate questions.

Written by Teaching Resources Support on May 27, 2014 12:20


This a listening exercise that allows creative thinking for new ideas. It should encourage full participation because all ideas are equally recorded. Staff should establish initial issue and supply a couple of ideas if the group needs to be stimulated.

Staff should draw on the knowledge and experience of the students so that a spirit of cooperation and congeniality is created at the beginning of the session. They should be prepared to allow one idea to ignite ideas in other students.

Written by Teaching Resources Support on May 27, 2014 12:20

Teacher led discussion

The lesson plans accompanying the resources often feature teacher led discussion as there is a need to engage students after the delivery of key points in lecture format. The students should be provided with the opportunity to question, clarify & challenge information that has been presented.

Written by Teaching Resources Support on May 27, 2014 12:20

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