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Work Experience Activity 1 - Communication in the Workplace

Students learn about email etiquette, professional telephone manner and meeting skills. Includes role play and interactive exercises. After this work experience lesson, students will have a better idea of what their approach should be to communication in the workplace.
Tru ks4 wrl work experience l1 small

Connect the Learning

Recap on any previous learning on work experience.

The Big Picture

This lesson looks at the importance of good communication skills in business and the different types of communication skills needed.

The Learning Outcomes

After this session students will have a better idea of what their approach should be to communication in the workplace.


Ask students to list all the forms of communication there are.

Working in small groups, the students have to decide whose email address they would like to get, if they could have anyone’s in the world, and what they would want to say to them.

The students must write their email and print it off when they are happy with it.

After 15 minutes, all groups should pass their email printout along to the next group for peer assessment. The group reading the email should compare the email to the email etiquette factsheet and mark it accordingly.